Marcala SHG  : 100 % tracable coffee

Marcala Project

Focus on SHG Marcala

Marcala region is considered, righteously as producing among the best coffees from Honduras.
With farms located from 1400m to 1800m, in a temperate weather, beans mature slowly, and are thus denser.
Producers in the area are prone to focus on quality picking, always when there is incentive to do so.
The region has been in the 5 first winning coffees at Cup of Excellence for the last 3 years, and won in 2016, with the record price of 120 USD / lb


2 depulping stations, 5000+ quintals of cherry per day.
6 mechanical Dryers, 5 patios, 1 African bed

We segregate coffee cherries along process in four distinct qualities.
Our main line counts with 3 reception tanks, all well separated to receive our 3 first qualities : 1. certified coffee, 2. good conventional, and 3. lower quality cherries.
Our 4th quality, coffees than require special attention (Specialty, SMS program), are depulped in the Modulo Ecologico,
1000 quintals per day, without limited water usage.

Fermentation and drying

- The coffee rests beween 8 and 12 hours in 4 fermentation tanks, to allow a higher acidity and fruit taste.
- Our 4th quality is totally dried in patios

100% physically traceable, delicious, stable, well selected and prepared honduran coffee

30 RFA and UTZ certified producers, and growing constitute the core of our 4th quality. Selected relatively to quality potential, farm altitude and varietals (when applicable), with the goal to

“Provide our cup focused customers with affordable 100% physically traceable, delicious, stable, well selected and prepared honduran coffee”


Quality Description Cup Profile Flavors Best shipment
SHG Marcala Gourmet brand

82 – 83 : Excellent acidity,body and sweetness. FCL

Citrus, red fruit, sugarcane, raisin, silky March to May


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